How to build reusable forms using Vue form generator

Introduction When developing applications either small or large scale, form inputs are the primary source of collecting data from users. As our application grows larger we find the need to reuse forms which capture similar data instead of creating redundant files by repeating the forms going against the DRY principle. To handle this growth or keep our codebase clean, we will be taking advantage of the Vue-form-generator package. Vue form generator is a schema-based form generator component for vue.

Making a Custom Laravel Artisan Command in Laravel 5.4

There are several default artisan commands that come with laravel, the common ones are php artisan serve,php artisan migrate, php artisan make:migration and the likes of them. Introduction The more an application grows the more important it becomes to automate certain tasks. If you are a junior developer or an intern that doesn’t have access to a server to run some certain commands like running a migration, you’ll have to buzz the devops engineer to help you run a migration (after your code has been reviewed and merged to the live branch tho ).